Easter 2021 - Holy Week Series
Exploring Holy Week and the incredible, life-changing news of Jesus through a short series of assemblies.
Aimed at Primary School aged children.
Session 1 - Palm Sunday - what might it have felt like to be in the crowds?
Session 2 - Maundy Thursday - how might we serve those around us this Easter?
Session 3 - Good Friday - only good if you know the ending!
Session 4 - Easter Day - the tomb is empty!
Aimed at Primary School aged children.
Session 1 - Palm Sunday - what might it have felt like to be in the crowds?
Session 2 - Maundy Thursday - how might we serve those around us this Easter?
Session 3 - Good Friday - only good if you know the ending!
Session 4 - Easter Day - the tomb is empty!
Breaktime Boogie
Break time Boogies has been designed to use as part of online learning.
It is a short video with a thought followed by a worship song to dance and sing along to.
It is a short video with a thought followed by a worship song to dance and sing along to.
Please use the button below to go to our Super Sunday School website where you'll find the advent sessions for assemblies/collective worship.
Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday
A short (17mins) assembly to encourage reflection on remembrance in the classroom this November.
To mark the 80th anniversary of the Coventry blitz on 14th November, Mrs Barbara Elson kindly volunteered to share her memories from the perspective of a 6yr old on the night of Coventry blitz too which is included in this video. Lots of schools will already be encouraging the decoration of windows and this is reinforced towards the end of the video too. (Royal British legion content from school resources also contained - more resources can be freely downloaded at https://www.britishlegion.org.uk/get-involved/remembrance/teaching-remembrance) If you require any further information or have any feedback, do please get in touch with Nicola on [email protected] |